Bluetooth Audio


Not really a audio Valhalla but nice for casual listening.


I plugged a Jabra A320s adapter in the USB, nothing happens.
Ok, Ubuntu is much like Windows so a restart should do the job.
Yes, it did.

Open  Preferences > Bluetooth and connect to a new device.
Put the Philips SHB7100 in paring mode and it pops up on the screen.
Now this device requires a passkey but no dialog to do so.
Only a message that pairing fails.

3 hours later I found the ‘solution’


I have found a temporarily solution for pairing keyboard less device like GPS unit.

1) First operations is finding the GPS device address with this command:

hcitool scan
Scanning ...

 00:13:F1:01:40:AE BT-GPS 0140AE

 00:18:8D:11:5F:F3 Zinux6680

Record the BT-GPS address, this is used later.

2) Enable the authentication on the pc blue-tooth dongle.

sudo hciconfig hci0 auth

3)Create a connection with the device
sudo hcitool cc 00:13:F1:01:40:AE

Now a popup menu request the pin for the device, insert it.

Now if you right click on the blue-tooth-applet and select preferences you see the GPS paired.

Good luck.


Next question: is it visible as a audio sink in Pulseaudio? No.

Am I going to spend another 3 hours trying to get it to work? No, I go to town, find myself a "I love Vista" T-shirt.